CaraCopia Tours

Connecting You to Nature and to Yourself
Welcome to the world of Caracopia!
Join a Sensory Forest Experience where you'll observe the forest atmosphere with all your senses. Notice sunbeams dancing through trees, smell the changing seasons, feel grounded next to glacier fed streams, run your hand over carpets of lush moss, and laugh after a slap from a beaver's tail startles you as it hits the water. Forage from a variety of edible plants and trees along the trail for a tea ceremony. Find the stillness within as your guide, Cara, skillfully slows down time, bringing you into the present moment through educational, playful, and meditative practices. Breathe deeply, feeling grateful that Nature increases your health and wellness every day.
Choose between a variety of Adult Only Tours & Family Tours.
Trails are open to all ages and ability levels. Locals can join the Squamish Forest Bathing Club to become familiar with Squamish's many trails from Valleycliffe to Brackendale, learning when and where to find owls, toads, salmon, and eagles. Children will have fun listening to Cara read books under an ancient tree and participate in activities that blend our creativity with Nature's gifts found in the forest. Cara encourages everyone to discover what makes their unique friendship with Nature last forever.